Sunday, September 11, 2005

& i am / wait ing for next year

& to day / rain falls
cold / dark / this day never sees
bright of sun shine /
body moves heavy / body of no
sleep / where is the tired / gone with
summer / summer gone autumn

it's the warmth of summer i miss so much
it's me / here / in side / with my coat on /
layers for mama / layers for bones

back tight with / chill

& i am try ing to remember what you look like /
a picture worth / where are those thousand words /
& a gain / we talk / but i can't figure out where it's going
as you move a round questions / art full dodger
/ & i just need to know /

some thing about fill ing in gaps / try ing to under stand
where / & if / i fit in / / eternal lee lost

funny how silence can be / is / full / empty / with words &
a gain / i am fall ing // & you say /

i wish to be in love / but i for get what it feels like / / & i want
to ask you / what do you mean /
& oh / questions a gain / /

& i dream you / blue water / all ways / water
ripple against skin / warm / where is the damp
of summer / south south / i wish to go south

& is it really fair / to let my mind go there
wander // & wander it does // provides / perhaps
a token of hope / dreams held tight lee
/ tighter / i say / tighter / & when you let go

i'll catch you

& tonite / mountains have disappeared
from sight / plain view / reduced to
hush & sweep of cloud / fine damp of rain
& every thing dry breathes in / deep i say /
deep / drink the water /fall ing from the sky /

for it is in plain view now / heart floats on
top / pretends to be buoyant /

if only i could swim
i'm sure it'd be okay

but nite prefers the drown ing

& im ask ing / what is it you really want
the reflection doesn't answer back
window just stares / un care ing / flat faced

& i wonder / why i place heart in such strange places

st.ill / the reflection / heart / doesn't answer
because there are
no answers to lessons /


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