& the spazm rips thru
a chain / w/ teeth / & i can not
stand / a gain / & if one wing flutter ed
would it really change /
never meant to be / / so what is this journey
& moon / in it's infinite bright ness / casts blue
& shadows / thermometre drops / & i'm wonder ing
about socks for the mama / & time / all most / to
pull out shoes / /
the spazm rips / just a bit / deep er
& i am chain ed to you / in finite lee / attach ed
such a pain / full / yes it is / place / / valley of
walk far in to the dark / now / no where else to go
these things to think of /
& so now / you be come / a fraid / same affliction
don't come near / let me scare you / watch me
crazy /
& @ this time of nite / wash er & dry er
true to form / to the pile up a gainst / shakes
the house shakes /& i am think ing of socks st.ill
he needs his whites for travel tomorrow / up up
& a way / he flies / south / east / some where in
america / he goes / & i / we stay / put / lost in a valley
green / the valley / green / ah but fall comes / waits
for frost / wait/s to turn turn / mountains begin to
yellow up / / after days of cloud / rain / clear sky
brings full moon / & i wonder if the sun flowers
turn moon face / do they like the lite / or is it
fuck ing up their cycle / / lite on the back porch
10 deg c / st.ill / moderate lee warm / for mid nite
pull on an other layer
you see / @ mid nite / laundry is fold ed
one load @ a time / his socks tumble tumble
& why can't i get on that plane too / except
i'm fly ing in the opposite direction / every plan
seems to go a wry / / & i wonder how much time
i've left / for planning /
i wish / i wish / i wish / open eyes / ah
st.ill here / / can't figure out where / where
i would / go /
& the ideal scenario is:
we met in the desert / remember / he says
& i re turn back / back / only a memory now
re member / like a picture / except i taste it
breathe ing in to you / & funny how you claim ed
space some where between / jesus / & i am mary /
yes i tasted
it on the very air you exhaled / thick with liquor lies /
crazy how the mind for gets the parts that hurt / /
trans gressions no one speaks of / / words that go a way
really / if i wait long enough / all those words / written
spoken / dream ed / or thot / will all / be gone / time
the great heal er / for getter / time / yes / come to my side
let me kill the screams& so i'm think ing / if you would just / only
hold / me
once / i would be okay / you know /
once could be for ever / some thing
to tide me / & oh
the ocean is so blue / this time of year / waves
crash ing / mean / this season is / & yet i would
stand in the wind / with you / feel my hair whip
in to strands / dis order / past my back / fine
sand break ing a gainst bare arms / legs
i would do that / you know / be the poem
trust / in /
but these are mere lee words a gain
me wait ing for you / me wait ing for
the passage of / & i grow old er / this moment
not the same as / soften ing of skin / back of the
hands be come / my fathers & i wonder if the
garden knows / feels my hands
& so / all ways / the house / sleeps / deep
& i am caught be tween / hum of the tower
& an urge to smoke cigarettes / more / all ways
where is my sleep
gone some where / travelling / turn ing with the dryer
turn ing with socks /
my sleep waits / with you /
& i am dream ing white rooms
with open windows / breezes to cool / & i am dream ing
a tall latte / & thick house coats /
hotel style / /
here's your laundry mambut / i am go ing / now where /
lost between mountains & water / eternal running of //
lost between poet & mother / can't be measured / /
& this year all the snow on kokanee glacier
is gone / bare grey rock / & i'm wonder ing if i could dance /
fee fi / fiddle dee dee & i wonder / what will be come of me/