Monday, November 20, 2006

oh the purple one / / the stories i can't tell you

okay / so it's a funny day

i don't usually write journal entries

da hubby is work ing for the purple one
a gain / da little guy / as hubby refers to him
has a 6 month gig in vegas / which is great for us

b/c hubby only works week ends / in stead of be ing on
tour for 4 - 5 - 6 months @ a time

so i sign ed up to

& let me tell you / these are what you call / rabid fans
& part of me / wants to go in there & set them all straight
but / i don't want to be one of those people re fer ed to as
an "in sider" / plus / i guess it's not up to me to

ruin the illusion

any ways / / i'm glad i'm not ob sess ed with / famous people
& i'm just glad the fames like my honey & re quest his presence
& expertise & that my
honey makes good money to support me & the 6 kids

i can't be lieve / my life / the strange turn of events
how every year brings some thing complete lee different

how every year / only gets me / old er / more jaded /
oh / i'm no lost poet / i'm only lost


Anonymous said...

i'm lost too babe. luv ya.

CSOC said...

Sweet raspberry beret.