Sunday, November 26, 2006

& the snow be gins to fall / delirious lee a gain

the night / decided lee / white / black trees
the street light / pale ing orange / / every thing
disappears / like so much majik / in to / winter
solstice / one more month of easing in to
this side / of the sun

& i take the plastic wrap off / the advent calendar
i bought / try ing to keep up the tradition of
christian values / i try so hard to / re ject / yet
what can be said / a bout / re living child hood

& i buy one for my brother / mail it to him /
be cause / we shared the calenders when we were
children / & on the 24th / we would each open a side
of the door / a picture of baby jesus / under the star

oh / the stars / but there aren't any to night / &
i've seal ed my self / a way / i've decided / to
hide / a gain / lost in side / this house / with
these children / & we are sew ing by hand & making
felt wallets / & embroider ing / with bright lengths
of string / & these are the boys / sew ing on buttons
& thread ing needles / / /

but i / for get to cook / for a few days / we
are eat ing eggs & bacon for dinner / we are eat ing
canned soup & grill ed cheese / we are eat ing
kesadilliahs & chinese dumplings cover ed in
sweet chili sauce / / & the days are short
& the days are dark / & the days / / & the days
spin / end less / /


1 comment:

Shay said...

When I was a kid we ate breakfast for supper at least once a week. The only difference was there would usually be tinned green beans and/or boiled potatoes with the eggs and bacon/sausages.

It's such a wintry beginning to winter this year that it reminds me of the pre-global warming winters of my childhood. I enjoyed your poem. Insulated, interiorized, felt crafts through the long dark night...Thanks.