Wednesday, August 09, 2006

o reck less / now comes august

o reck less / lead me not in to
temptation follows / leads / takes me
hither / or was that

late lee / the air is full of smoke
fires are burn ing a gain / pine beetle
infestation / makes for good burn ing

all summer / be hind every mountain
flash es of light en ing /

some how / all that electricity is calm ing
changes the air / pulls me in to
the garden / / where the air is green

i've heard it said / flowers give off
good vibration / i'm inclinded to agree
as / i lose / my self / hose in hand
some where out by the raspberry patch
water ing / keep ing the garden green

it's temptation of the best kind / my hands
stain ed red from pick ing berries every day
the fridge is full of filled bowls / the freezer
fill ed with bags of frozen raspberries & cherries /

now / to make / jam
& jelly /

but i can't pull my self from the garden
long enough to wash jars / boil water
& can fruit / tend to all the things
need ing tend ing to / / i try to for get
the children / but they don't let me

@ nite i hide / out side / on the deck

i think / it's good that my husband leaves me
time after time / his travel be comes / my life

& i be come / o / reck less
can't remember where i've been a gain
deny the memory / trust me /

a craving with no name / honest lee
i can't remember / did i ever know / /

& one crzy situation after an other / dis appears
in to / the on slaught of days / fill ed with
these benign chores of mother hood /

o reck less /
it's the days that get me thru to
the nites

o reck less /
all ways wait ing for the
dark ness /

plan my escape / / most lee / i go
no where / /

1 comment:

Sir James Eric Watkins said...

Good write, catches some mundaneness, some repetition

"where the air is green" unique description. dig it.

And love the ending.


~ James