Saturday, August 26, 2006

i'm leaving / going on a trip / gonna / hide

& this day of / morn ing of grey skies
clears / ah / sun shine / the sun throws
hot rays / burn ing the ground / /

in the distant / sky / heli hoppers /
gawd / the sky seems to be full of them
fly ing for fires / fly ing for / weed /

i hear it / the pro pellers / bupp bupp bupp
a deep groan / echos off the mountains / /

fills the valley with reminders / that some where
wars rage / & people are dy ing /

& bless ed be / to born a canadian
i think / good to be in the north for many
reasons / / / life could be / / so much worse

& all sounds carry on the wind to day
dis tort ed / & i am hear ing voices
a gain / but can't un der stand / a thing
they are say ing / / //

all / i know /

is / /


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