My initial reaction to finchy’s work was not positive. I thought that she is a prose writer and maybe poetry is not her thing. But I have read her almost every poem on this board. I think this is one of her better work.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
beauty / cold grip of winter / death
un de fine able / land scape
the snow / doesn't stop fall ing
fine mist of / silver dust float ing on
minus 10 / / & damn / it's cold a gain
& damn / the ground is gone from sight
a gain / /
a foot of snow over night / & very earth
i walk up on / dis solves / in to
my hands are cold
i stand out side to smoke / & hear
no thing / all sound soak ed up in
to the white / & i wonder
if the trees are cold
& i try to picture them / when the thaw comes
& every little branch / every needle / drips melt
but that's not to day / nor is it / to night
there is some thing to be said a bout
this side of the sun / how cold it is
how / un for give ing / /
when the dark days / be come light er
Sunday, November 26, 2006
from green to white / dark est nite / oh summer / where art thou
& the snow be gins to fall / delirious lee a gain
the night / decided lee / white / black trees
the street light / pale ing orange / / every thing
disappears / like so much majik / in to / winter
solstice / one more month of easing in to
this side / of the sun
& i take the plastic wrap off / the advent calendar
i bought / try ing to keep up the tradition of
christian values / i try so hard to / re ject / yet
what can be said / a bout / re living child hood
& i buy one for my brother / mail it to him /
be cause / we shared the calenders when we were
children / & on the 24th / we would each open a side
of the door / a picture of baby jesus / under the star
oh / the stars / but there aren't any to night / &
i've seal ed my self / a way / i've decided / to
hide / a gain / lost in side / this house / with
these children / & we are sew ing by hand & making
felt wallets / & embroider ing / with bright lengths
of string / & these are the boys / sew ing on buttons
& thread ing needles / / /
but i / for get to cook / for a few days / we
are eat ing eggs & bacon for dinner / we are eat ing
canned soup & grill ed cheese / we are eat ing
kesadilliahs & chinese dumplings cover ed in
sweet chili sauce / / & the days are short
& the days are dark / & the days / / & the days
spin / end less / /
the street light / pale ing orange / / every thing
disappears / like so much majik / in to / winter
solstice / one more month of easing in to
this side / of the sun
& i take the plastic wrap off / the advent calendar
i bought / try ing to keep up the tradition of
christian values / i try so hard to / re ject / yet
what can be said / a bout / re living child hood
& i buy one for my brother / mail it to him /
be cause / we shared the calenders when we were
children / & on the 24th / we would each open a side
of the door / a picture of baby jesus / under the star
oh / the stars / but there aren't any to night / &
i've seal ed my self / a way / i've decided / to
hide / a gain / lost in side / this house / with
these children / & we are sew ing by hand & making
felt wallets / & embroider ing / with bright lengths
of string / & these are the boys / sew ing on buttons
& thread ing needles / / /
but i / for get to cook / for a few days / we
are eat ing eggs & bacon for dinner / we are eat ing
canned soup & grill ed cheese / we are eat ing
kesadilliahs & chinese dumplings cover ed in
sweet chili sauce / / & the days are short
& the days are dark / & the days / / & the days
spin / end less / /
look ing / for / / / a muse ing
& i wonder how / to gauge
the smell of / cinnamon
follow me / hidden on the black tips of
snow / flakes / all those coming down out
there / & i pause to look out a late november
window /
& i think / a year a go / you were a live
but close to death
i know it's peer ing in / the window
now / watch ing me / like so many times
oh i feel you / all ways / /
thin lee / dis guised / as a man i once knew
for got ten / moment / / & a gain / i look out
over / what lies be low / my window / & the snow
falls with urgency / quick quick gather / you say
black as sinister / okay okay / i heard it call my
name /& i watch smoke coil / up round my head /
make me / sik / /
i watch / wait patient / / think & for get
all in one in stant /
the only memorable lines come
just as i'm fall ing / /
& it all ways has eyes
crook ed / laugh ter /& i am / sleep ing a gain
black dreams / night sweats
wave one white / finger @ me /
i all ways talk on the quiet
end of fall ing / snow / / /
dark spot
it was some thing a bout dusk @ 4 pm
the way the air smell ed / ah / smelt is how
i'd say it /& it's that rest less ness / of heart
oh / it beats hard like my mind /& i light an other
cigarette / & you know / i'm writing a bout you
a gain /
i hide in the dark /
you be come / every burden / every love
i've ever carried / / black hole / of why did
i do that / / & where were you / when i walk ed
on water / /
you've be come / each grey hair up on /
my head /
Saturday, November 25, 2006
this door / don't score / no more
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Monday, November 20, 2006
oh the purple one / / the stories i can't tell you
okay / so it's a funny day
i don't usually write journal entries
da hubby is work ing for the purple one
a gain / da little guy / as hubby refers to him
has a 6 month gig in vegas / which is great for us
b/c hubby only works week ends / in stead of be ing on
tour for 4 - 5 - 6 months @ a time
so i sign ed up to
& let me tell you / these are what you call / rabid fans
& part of me / wants to go in there & set them all straight
but / i don't want to be one of those people re fer ed to as
an "in sider" / plus / i guess it's not up to me to
ruin the illusion
any ways / / i'm glad i'm not ob sess ed with / famous people
& i'm just glad the fames like my honey & re quest his presence
& expertise & that my
honey makes good money to support me & the 6 kids
i can't be lieve / my life / the strange turn of events
how every year brings some thing complete lee different
how every year / only gets me / old er / more jaded /
oh / i'm no lost poet / i'm only lost
i don't usually write journal entries
da hubby is work ing for the purple one
a gain / da little guy / as hubby refers to him
has a 6 month gig in vegas / which is great for us
b/c hubby only works week ends / in stead of be ing on
tour for 4 - 5 - 6 months @ a time
so i sign ed up to
& let me tell you / these are what you call / rabid fans
& part of me / wants to go in there & set them all straight
but / i don't want to be one of those people re fer ed to as
an "in sider" / plus / i guess it's not up to me to
ruin the illusion
any ways / / i'm glad i'm not ob sess ed with / famous people
& i'm just glad the fames like my honey & re quest his presence
& expertise & that my
honey makes good money to support me & the 6 kids
i can't be lieve / my life / the strange turn of events
how every year brings some thing complete lee different
how every year / only gets me / old er / more jaded /
oh / i'm no lost poet / i'm only lost
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
look ing for / a final bit / of warmth
notes from my garden
& @ 11 am the sun shines in to my yard
full / all most warm / making steam rise
off / the dew damp / oh morn ing frost
& yes ter day / grey rain / yes ter day
snow / falls / snow all ways seems to
come @ the end of october
& now / leaves fall / quick lee
ground ed / but even in death
oh / the rot is beautiful /
oh / glow on yellow / taint me
with your burnt reds / dying pinks
& some where / in the garden
geraniums / st.ill bright red / hot pink
resist / some how / nights dead lee frost
sun flowers / st.ill / face south / tall
tall / not ready to die / yet
every once in a while / wind rises
up / northern swirls of cold / tossle
the wet leaves / cling ing to summer
no / i can not fight the season
& i fall in to / quietude / let the
tired ness / consume me / & day
be comes / less / /
you see / i'm running thru my house
look ing for a hat with a brim / some thing
to keep the sun out of my eyes / i'm running
thru my house / look ing @ the corners / past
the piles / oh grim reaper of guilt / & i / per miss
my self / to write / out here in the sun / /
& thots be gin / never end / circle circle my mind
& it's that twinge be tween my legs / that never
end ing wonder of / / / but you see i've decided
it's better to stay @ home
better to keep the pain / confined to my chest
& i st.ill can't find the courage to quit
the sun / would be pleasant if / only
it would n't fall so far in to the south sky
setting limits on day light / / oh / this
axis of earth is enough to drive me /
& wild doesn't even be gin to de scribe
how this time of year makes me / / feel
some thing about dread / about tuck ing in
there is / one red rose left in the garden
a long cold bloom / it's sat on its stem for
weeks now / it's the dew / heavy moisture
that's plump ed it out / some how / & it opens
eternal / & sure / we all know / that rose is
gonna die soon / petals will blacken / & drop
it's that disappear ing in to / the ground / i find
so un settle ing / so / comfort ing / / / i'm lost
& the sun heats up my black cloth ing
& i think
perhaps thats why flowers turn black /
to stay warm / to stay warm
& i wonder / why / after all this time /
you come to mind / & i make you appear
or at least i think i do / /
all i know / is / the snow came to day
the cold came / grey chill / wet mountains
oh / never mind the gold / never mind the fall ing
leaves / the crunch crunch of / winter come ing
oh / elephant mountain is turn ing blue a gain
the big dipper is tilt ing north a gain / / all most
rests with it's bottom on top of the mountain
& yester day / the sun st.ill carried some warmth
but that was yester day / & to day i'm cold a gain
wear ing coat & hat / in side the house / can't get the
heat high enough /
you see / my back is sore / under my arm / & my
toes are burn ing / / / & i hear so many great lines
& i want to steal them all / make them my own
only i / can't remember / what i've heard / where
i've been / / only a sort of heart ache that comes
with be ing / oh / let me think a bout it
or at least i think i do / /
all i know / is / the snow came to day
the cold came / grey chill / wet mountains
oh / never mind the gold / never mind the fall ing
leaves / the crunch crunch of / winter come ing
oh / elephant mountain is turn ing blue a gain
the big dipper is tilt ing north a gain / / all most
rests with it's bottom on top of the mountain
& yester day / the sun st.ill carried some warmth
but that was yester day / & to day i'm cold a gain
wear ing coat & hat / in side the house / can't get the
heat high enough /
you see / my back is sore / under my arm / & my
toes are burn ing / / / & i hear so many great lines
& i want to steal them all / make them my own
only i / can't remember / what i've heard / where
i've been / / only a sort of heart ache that comes
with be ing / oh / let me think a bout it
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
things i can't / re member / like the smell of his blood
inspired by assia wevill
assia said
he smells like a butcher when we make love
& i sniff your shirt / when no one is look ing
cover ed in a hard nights work & wonder what
it would be like / / /
but i won't &
i have to stop think ing think ing
these / un for give able / thots / ah /
in fidel ity rocks
my / oh the mind / / oh my mind
it was the smell of his blood
smell of blood / / it was bloody
hard / wet / warm / i felt your entrails
drip out of me / / cover my hands with
oh yes / / butchers smell like sweat
sweet with the smell of / yester days
blood / 21 day old meat hang ing
& i had a boy friend who was a butcher once
he brought me steaks / little rib eyes / a lamb
chop / here & there / / he liked his meat / rare
i don't remember him smell ing like /
a butcher / when we made love
assia said
he smells like a butcher when we make love
& i sniff your shirt / when no one is look ing
cover ed in a hard nights work & wonder what
it would be like / / /
but i won't &
i have to stop think ing think ing
these / un for give able / thots / ah /
in fidel ity rocks
my / oh the mind / / oh my mind
it was the smell of his blood
smell of blood / / it was bloody
hard / wet / warm / i felt your entrails
drip out of me / / cover my hands with
oh yes / / butchers smell like sweat
sweet with the smell of / yester days
blood / 21 day old meat hang ing
& i had a boy friend who was a butcher once
he brought me steaks / little rib eyes / a lamb
chop / here & there / / he liked his meat / rare
i don't remember him smell ing like /
a butcher / when we made love
Friday, November 10, 2006
for a boy i used / to know
a junkies palette of primary colours
reflects / green red orange / off the wet pave ment /
it's 3 am in the morn ing
& we are doing / the east side shuffle
the east side / getting high / getting
down / getting home scuffle
& that boy / with his tattoo skin /
cover ed in / ink / coat ed in / pain
keeps pace be side me /
a skate board under his arm
he looks at me /
& rain drips from his eye brows
his worn converse runners / slop a long
as we / trace the bus route / back to
the cock roach hotel / also known as
13th street / the place where i live
november rain soaks us
my hair stuck wet / to my face / &
my jeans are heavy / plaster ed to my legs /
& my hands are red / & my hands are cold
34 city blocks / fuck /
i wish i had a car /
& that boy
he smiles @ me /
& tips his face to the sky / his veins
are full / of sugar water & poison
& / i want to get him home to 13th street
to where i live / so i can taste his hands /
so i can press up a gainst /
his shiver ing body
rain falls / in never end ing streaks /
white lines spill thru the haze of coastal fog /
block after block / of orange
street light & white rain & we / keep walk ing
there is no end ing / only the middle of
the end / there is no / love / just attraction
we have / cigarettes & speed /
it's a mutual under stand ing /
there is no moral crisis / there is /
only me & the boy walk ing home in / the rain
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