Wednesday, November 16, 2005

all / the wrong places / pure hate / slight lee diluted

just stuff /
oh / to dream in colour

& i come in here / hide in stead
why not / it feels safe enough

to vent a bit / let it out / & how
i'm freak ing out /no not freak ing out
but there is some thing / my paranoid
mind can not put it's perverbial finger on

i think i might be fall ing in love with my
husband a gain / such a strange thing

these days / this week / last week
i wait for health to come / back
chest pain / i make my self sick
with smoke / & cold air in my lungs

& i wonder why / even tho i feel
this shitty / why i can't put out
the smoke / fuck ing smoke
i hate it too

hate full to day

cranky / bleed ing / all ways bleed ing
& every one / every where i go / seems
so / crzy / or weird / or some thing /
jesus fuck knows whats wrong with the
freaks & the geeks who roam the streets

ah / welcome to pleasant ville
population / 10 000 /

i don't even have the heart to slag the hippies
to night / / but i hate these dirty street hang ing
dope deal ing / thieves of the nite / / you see
they make 'it' all so obvious / / 'it' be ing
the crucial word

where once / mellow people / keep ing it cool
not too hard core / / but things change / times
change / lower east side comes to pleasant ville
this is cocaine for children / this is e for you
& this vitamin k / well / he ain't shar'en none of
that / / yeah the crazies are out / /

some thing about trees baring their bones
for all the world to see / / & the earth strips
down for winter / /

& see / they talk like crzy is / he says / i'm
see ing auras now on people / / lots of black
auras in this town / but some grey / / a few white
but they are not really auras / they are more like
wings / angels wings / i think i'm losing it

& i think / why are you wasting my fuck ing time
with this idiotic bull shit / / yeah as a matter of
fact / you are losing it / /

& every week i meet jesus in nelson / every week
there is a prophet / a revelation / & a story about
the dark ones / / & who am i / to argue with hey zeus

who am i / to argue / & the world seems hesitant
around me to day / these days / drivers who don't go
children cross ing the street in all the wrong places


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