Tuesday, October 25, 2005

more / in other places / secrets kept


late nite / a gain /
seems like / every day ends
late / & there is comfort
in sleep ing heads / breath in
out / /

& i am on
a clean ing frenzy / of a house
left in the care of children /

ah washer dry runs for 2 days
straight / & i'm wonder ing if i'll
start buy ing lily of the valley fabric soften er
the next time i run out /

& i've decided / i like the comforts of
/ yes / this life is certain lee worth living

yet / some thing else beckons / & i'm hoping
hope like hell
time / doesn't go running / get get / going
a long time left / /

& who knows what these words really mean
a muddle of

can't say what's really on my mind

i've been think ing about pirates
& out laws / / i've been think ing about
vigilante's / & wonder ing where i fall in

& would you wear lace for me

& a door opens / slams shut / soon
he walks in / soon /


& that nite refuses to be post ed / last nite
be comes this nite / & wait for the door
wait for the interruption of thot / wait