Monday, October 10, 2005

& fool ish / i take my mind to other places

it's the 'busy' i find so interest ing

busy / doingwhat ? ///

a mystery i can't solve

to day / final lee over
ah / this day of turkey bird / this day
of / 16 people @ dinner / + after dinner guests

collapse in to

nothing / no thing @ all

collapse in to

the leaves are fall ing / now autumn
a constant crackle of / poplar / first
to dry / ugly brown rot / fall to the ground
sound like / foot steps / noise to startle

out side / eyes adjust / slow lee to mid nite
@ first / i'm blind ed / by dark ness /
but after a while / i can see the garden
below / ah / shadows / st.ill / i can't
quite see / in to the black of forest

i am surround ed / eternal lee / by this
deep forest / end less / trees / & the
things / ah / which live there / / &

the heavy crunch indicates / bear?

who knows @ this time of nite / mind
runs wild / all ways / & i'm st.ill think ing
anger / i'm st.ill think ing / it'll pass / soon
like clouds / it'll pass / /

& i am shaking / temperature drops
all ways / dress ed for the weather
sweaters / hats / my winter coat to
stand out side / to sit & write in /
& the vibration / tight ens / a cross
chest / back / the parts of my legs
that won't be rest ed / the parts resist
can't be soothed / ah / constant knot

& some thing about / so hard to find a moment

& some thing about / colours of maple / how
one tree can be yellow / green / pink /& red
all @ the same time / fusion / flush / / it sits
a gainst my teeth / my eyes taste / perfect
colour of / this side of the sun / / when morn ing
drips heavy / wet / some how / it brightens
an amplification of / does it get any bright er / &

consider this / then / how yellow spreads a cross
the land scape / & how the spoil sets in / & how
the ground / oh holy soil / take me back / & black
mildew sets in / let me break you down / i'll break
you / / come / enter me / back in to my mouth

garden collapses / /
st.ill / / yes the earth prepares for / st.ill

a gain / i get too far a head of even / my self

all ready in november / scream ing / december
the lowt of wyter is up on us / tuck in / tuck in

this is the way of seasons / & how earth moves thru
the sky / eternal lee tipped / & really / why blame
the sun / when real lee / gaia is too blame /

& i wonder / was i all ways this cold in october


1 comment:

Erin said...


Hi Finchy.
I know I've said this before, but I don't know how you do it - you always write things that relate to where I am. I read with hand to mouth, nodding with comprehension.

Selfish of me to see it all through my own eyes when it's so obviously your personal experience and emotion. Maybe it's a mom thing, or a poet thing, or a too-damn-many-kids-to-have-self thing... I dunno. Anyway.

I love you.
