Thursday, October 06, 2005

that's where i'm fall ing / fail ing / flail ing / washed away with the rain

yester day / / lost in a
room of dreams / ah / faint nite mare
of the fair est sort

& i am lost be hind a blind eye
& a sea of / it was blue / i'm so
sure it was / blue guilt / of /
i won't go there a gain / /

& so pay ment comes in the form
of / this wheel i ride on / karmic
pain / / /

& so the rains / come a gain
fat rain / cold / bring on the autumn
rain / / this is leaves turn ing red
these are / gold en days / & how do
i describe / pink of garden / how every thing
all those leaves / / spring a long way from now
in either direction

no thing loud to proclaim

all tho / i think i'm dying
but don't tell any one

each breath closer to
the last breath closer

& what is the intensity of this pain

The happiness of the drop is to die in the river;
When pain exceeds the limits; the pain itself becomes medicine.

~ Mirza Ghalib

& so / must i be come / my own medicine

my own question / / my own answer

i think about it / @ dusk / early now
dark by 7 / & when the blue of 630
is thinning / pale a cross mountain tops
i try to remember march / when one
nite the sky pales blue / st.ill / /
sudden lee / air smells different /
a lark / a memory / chicken congee
& heroin / / some thing about letting
the air / next to my arms / hairs brindle
up ward / to ward / / ah

but this is not the time of / march on
i say / march on / spring is not here
not on this side of the sun / / spring
waits some where else / a place in
space /over there / current lee empty
spring waits / / / you see

this is the time / of / fold ing / i want
want to / to fold in to you /& if i was blind ed
would you be tray / / i dream back aches
lungs that wont breathe / i dream / black holes
& empty

i can't remember now

to nite / cloud sucks up / closes / i swear
it's closing in / holds tight to the mountains
i swear / it never changes / water / all ways
water / & the constant noise / of / i can't hear
you / the trees are rain ing / streams & rivlets

this is lightening bolts / of the body type

this is alcohol & stress / a lack of care

just where / did the wonder ment go

& to day is tender / this day of / nothing to say

speak only kind ness / a voice not raised

this is / some thing snapped in the brain

not sure / what's repair able / what can be used

a gain / /

this is / the worst sort / of mother

& tho i walk thru the valley of / i'm a bad example
& tho i walk thru the valley of / have you no compunction
remorse /

ah / but i am dy ing of shame
or some similar malady / /

it's not only the body that aches
spiked bone / spasmed muscle
these are the things which speak to me
shout over mind / over reason /

head be comes / / an other place
refuge of mind / prisoner of thot

ah / give me sanctuary / white lite
let this body fall down ward /
@ some point / some thing has to give
& i wonder how far i'll make it

see / these are / results of bad choices / poor timing
a general dis regard for be ing / mortal

belly fills with a halo of sting / broken / tender

& i dare you / touch me there / where my core is
lay your hand up on my stomach / tell me

what do you feel

& i say / i feel the empty / burnt core

nucleus of heart / centre of soul

betray al of gut / / & the hand begins

to shake / just to emphasis a point

total body vibration / sick feel ing

& i think i'll stare at the fog some more / try to
make sense out of stars that can't be seen /
see / if i can touch a cloud / if i just reach out

& last nite / i stand in the 230 nite / no sound
not even my breath / / & i hear the screams
coming up the valley / blood curdling / scream ing
for help / & i'll be damn it i know where it's come ing from
just some where down / be low / / & i wonder if some one
else can hear it / her / the screams of her / yelling help
& grisley screams / can the whole town hear / they must
be able to hear / / & then / silence /

i never call the cops any more / / /

it be comes a dream / an other one / / all things
which can't be remember ed / /


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