Friday, January 28, 2005

which side of the sun

so the rain falls
it's nice to hear the patter / plink
against the roof

the snow has melted completely from the roofs

the snow / completely melted
from the roof / it lays thin across
the back yard

head pounds / flu / malaise of the body
entire family succumbs / / fever flu

the snow / how ever / doesn't care about
illness / it soaks up the rain / melts it's self
back in to the ground

some where under winter / the ground gives an appreciative
rumble / ah time to warm up / roots & bulbs jiggle just a bit
but of course / winter is full of trickery / it's only january
not quite february / a lull / wait wait / more snow to be shovelled
the sky is not finished with winter / wait for clouds with full bellies
thick grey clouds / wait for the smell in the air / sweet snow smell
yes soon the roads will be full again /

but for this moment / enjoy the sound of rain falling on the roof
the smell of earth rising from the mud in the drive way / the ground
beneath the thickest cedars / warms /

february 4 days away / / earth does a slow tilt on her axis

(i'm of the mind / if i mention it enough / the earth will tilt
right back to summer / / )

if i could see the stars / through the cloud / the fog
i'm sure / i'd see that they'd moved

in credible amazing head ache sets in
this is illness

today the fog clears / / winter lifts high white cotton clouds
bavarian blue sky spills through / sun light cuts sharp
landing here / there / unfortunatly it was missed by people
still sleeping / / i could have sworn the room was bright
when i opened my eyes for a moment this morning

she cut's back into a deep sleep the bed to her self
he's been gone since /

not sure / / the bed is only shared for a few short hours
2 insomniacs / / can't stay a sleep / /

head feels like

head is a cloud

out side it begins to pour / hard rain
it's full of fat flakes / large wet
it lands indiscriminately / some melting
some coating / ah see / i told you winter isn't over

st.ill the thermometer reads 4 degrees above zero

upstairs / / the heat / / the heat is on
fevering bodies / sweat / / let the illness
drown it self

bodies / fluid / the weather is fluid
precipitaion / circular / the pattern is
there is no pattern / except / in winter
it gets cold / & the snow comes / / ice
air / / & of course the light wanes

it all depends / on
which side of the sun the earth spins to

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