funny how /
every moment of
every day / is
a poem
some thing that can't be
won't be / translated to
this / this piece of paper
as if a box could be paper
as if / laying in the tub / staring @
the sky / thru open windows / could
some how / be / cathartic
how does one translate the blue
of dusk / that funny colour of the air
when does the dry ground of early spring
be come / a poem / / /
it can't /
all ways / the perfect words show up
when there is no where to re cord them
yes / come to me / only to be for got ten
yes / come to me / when the hour has
changed for ward / & the day lightens & lifts
this is when / my heart skips /
this is when / i plan my fate
when i hash out the pains / the re members
when i can't think / for the think ing
& it is late again
this day of 1 less hour / this day
of / my legs are aching a gain
can you feel the dull ness
& what is it a bout / putting words
in to perspective / a bout words making sense
or no sense @ all / words that are empty
there is no mean ing / simply / only /
hope /
a clarity that can't be found / a worry
that is /
so i smoke to kill
& the clock tics / later
to day / i rake / i trim / & sweep
out doors is such a big place to clean
I liked reading your poem for its immediacy. It was flowing and I enjoyed it.
-Torsa Ghosal
You could read my poems at-
Okay. I haven't even read this, just the first stanza, but I want to get this said. Right Fucking On! Okay. Be back.
Alright. Your first spurt here is the meat, cooked to perfection. I have sunken my teeth into it so deep and still my teeth do not touch.
Oh yeah, this part:
it can't /
all ways / the perfect words show up
when there is no where to re cord them
yes / come to me / only to be for got ten
Now, what was it?
yeah. (that stoner thing)
I think, those words, the ones that elude us, I think they maybe are just ours, to escape the "paper" and become apart of us, to come out when we least expect it.
I hope this day and every day is good to you.
~ James
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