Sunday, April 30, 2006

in complete / thoughts /

the house / in it's
eternal / deliberate mess

can't see the counter for the dishes
can't see the floor / for the 6 children
drop drop drop ping /

but i am busy / sweep ing the garden

this day has other ideas / low roll of thunder
bounces / mountain top / to / mountain top
it brings rains / black er clouds / wind to shake
the trees / / it brings / lighten ing /

dark / the day is dark / & i am re duced to
tired / sleep sleep / body / head / heavy

it's the thick ness / be hind / my eyes
i can't stand / / & thunder bangs bangs
day turns to night / house be comes
confine ment of the worst sort / can't stay
can't leave / & the mess / the apathy piles
up with / the laundry / the piles
of weeds pull ed from the garden beds


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