Tuesday, April 25, 2006

one more cigarette in the freez ing cold

some where
all the he's sleep
snoring / sweat ing
not think ing a bout

i'm okay with be ing
a turn of sleep / a flicker in
a dark shade of dream

tell me / you think of me
when waking from a bitter
night's sleep

& see / on nights like this
when stars scream for attention
a gainst black sky / i become
finite / small a gainst the back
drop of time / in finite

& it's time for me to be out side
a gain / night all most tolerable
a gainst skin / thin ner layers of
cloth ing / yes / i don't mind this
season too much / / pale yellow
green of fresh burst leaves / flowers
bloom now / /

i can't think / for the think ing

it's the raw comments i can't take / it's the ring ing
the bells catch wind / & i am lost in this night
un full fill ed

i am lost for wild language / words can't describe
if they can't be found / haze of /

i wish to land / out of my body
a way from / & i am feel ing not
a lone / some thing i can't describe
accompanies me / may be it's just the
wind / an over active imagination
cold hands / lungs fill ed with
too much smoke

& from out here / look ing in to
the house / thru the large glass windows
the aquarium takes on / yes / it is sur real
much like the rest of my life /

i'm living in /
a dream
state / & i can't wake up
i can't fall a sleep / never sleep ing
all ways waking / can't stop the ring ing

& so / i smoke a hundred cigarettes
a million more joints / some thing to
kill / yes / i'd like to kill / all this pain

& tho i walk thru the valley of eternal
pain / i wonder what is this lesson &
fear / / no pain / / one after a nother /

you see / the sweet smell of spring
hyacinth rises from the garden / it's enough
to stop dull ache of leg / the sharp pain a cross
my chest / / but not / the ring ing / /

& to day i'm angry @ all the stupid slow
yes / the world is full / of / stupid slow

my ire rises / & i turn down / sugar
silent silent / be silent / i think
but st.ill / i can't / be st.ill

& could i go some where & sleep
just for a while / let the day call on
me / with out me / /

oh yes / there is other work to be done
but / i give it a way from my self / let it
sit / not be done / there 's not a huge call for
poets any ways / /

i shall just write / to calm my nerves
write / to block the circle /

i can't go on / think ing like this

& my fingers grow numb with cold
it's cold in the mountains / even
@ the end of april / even as we spin
to ward solstice / / /

& is it you i hear / on the wind
where have you gone / where have
you gone / / have you for got ten


1 comment:

Sir James Eric Watkins said...

& tho i walk thru the valley of eternal
pain / i wonder what is this lesson &
fear / / no pain / / one after a nother /

this is me

thankx for a good read.

thank you for always being you.

Your friend, James.