Monday, June 13, 2005

the earth st.ill spins for me

& so there are no words left on this late nite

body rocks with chill sik flu / snot runs / lungs ache

& i am disappointed / & hide

& i am full of sadness for my children
who are full of sadnes for a mother
who is

full of sadness

& i wonder / did i turn the right corner / maybe i should have
taken the left turn /

face burns / i'm sorry little ones / i for got about you

& this is the mother who writes stories about killing children
& mothers who go crazy

this is the mother who tries to for get

6 washed through me // me //

a gate way for / in . to / life /

& i never asked you to get me born

some how it seems so pretentious to be alive

& who cares about you any ways / & who will love your children
if you don't / tell me / who will love the children

no one

fathers missing

& you / lucky child /

this is your mother / her /she / that woman over there
bent over in the garden / bent over the key board
bent over / oh all you little ones / i wish to stretch my back

stand up / for a moment / i'm certain i was taller once

& so it goes / day feeds in to nite feeds in to summer
feeds in to the whole damn thing spinning once more around the sun

just remember: never cry

never say your sorry
& only love one

yeah / where are my babies / growing up in to
a way / & i for get that i for got to love you more

& so the day closed in grey / much too gray
clouds above elephant mountain moved north
while the clouds above the lake moved south

it reminded me of june / & the lush of rain
pouring out of the sky /& the lush of thunder cracking
the sky / all added up to late spring /

you see / this is when the garden glowed green est of all
& the lupins became purple & my eyes turned black

see i haven't the foggiest idea of what i'm going on about
it means nothing

no more than a sneeze / a broken flower in the rain
or / slugs eating the yellow iris /

on the back porch a yellow ice cream pail filled with
ten thousand snails / who eventually free them selves
by crawling out over the edge / down the side/ anteanna waving
/ / they know
this isn't the right place to be / just like i know

this isn't the right /

place to be / /

i really do wish i could walk on water


this is not what i really wanted / just a bit a fun
a break away / a care away /

(he lifts her from the floor / cradles her)

why why he wants to know / but he knows the truth
(they always know the truth)

& so gideon whispers in her ear:

bloodless nights transparent in the moon
ageless mercy nurtures your womb

cross hangs on the back of a scarecrow
winds blow over harvest fields

shadows shone the dawn
with the crescent glory of despair

& she says / glory of despair
yes / me / despair / right because

after all / isn't that what you wanted

& i am fall ing down ward

& one supposes that fall ing down ward would be the most
natural thing in the world

& i imagine on a night like to night / when whitest clouds
do the drift / & a few brave stars stick around to twinkle twinkle
because they know / those damn stars / i need them /
that i shouldn't be listening to the killing words of gideon

so poisonous /

& st.ill i find my self walk ing through the valley

fear no evil /

so i look / to ward the light / you know / try & imagine i'm jesus
or lucifer / either one / i'm partial to both / & if i had wings i'm sure one
of them would be torn away by now / bleed ing / i'd probably be bleeding

& why you gotta hurt the ones you love / why you gotta say the things you do

these are not poems / these are not even words /
i for get what i came here to say / i for got why i came here @ all

& i am drowing in sadness / & i don't know why



Hector the Crow said...

sick verse - the burden of love and life - it's producing good stuff today, good for the morbid reader anyway - i hope i didn't infect you but i guess it's sort of inevitable - viruses are vengeful these days - my cold's getting worse, i'm feeling nasty today - but i did get a good bit of songwriting done - get well soon.

Dez M.E. King said...

Unknown said...

I changed the log in for the recordings - e-mail me when you are ready so I can send you a new pin.
