Saturday, May 28, 2005

twisting in to you


i cannot begin to find the words on this night

total exhaustion of a body not worked /

words that can not be spoken
only thot /

& i can not be a telephone call
& i can only be the laughter that i hear
along a wire /

to day i did nothing /saw nothing / i climbed in side
a play i did not wish be in side of / / a faulty story

because there has to be a theme

there has to be a story /

each scene needs to have a reason / needs to build to
complete the story / / / i'm am lost / what once made perfect sense
now ceases to interest me

sudden lee / every thing is boring / i am caught between
blue sky & shallow mountains / i am not a warrior
not even a crusader /


& where did you go / when you grew too large for my arms

& i burn a single candle / tea light
it wimpers / night is here / & i can not burn
bright enough to light your sleep

& i am folding in to knots / an obscurity of mind
heart / some where between the breast bone & hip
i lost sense of time / of season / & on saturday every one
mows their lawn / & the scent of new mown lawn explains
all the secrets of the universe / why men for get who they
are as their black beards tumble down to their knees /&
the street becomes a kind of sickness

wonder ment / for get ment / & i was sent
down there once / to the place where men line up
for tiny pills / & slow lee remember who they are
& how i sketched a picture of you smoking cigarettes

telling me / i have it all figured out now

did you?

coffee with too much sugar / 12 steps to enlightenment

see / it's the way you kiss me / i crave

it's the way you twist / your body
in to mine /

this is me / ticking / ticking



Hector the Crow said...

uh oh – sorry to hear it’s falling apart for you
I can relate to that with many of my works of fiction

it certainly has a theme, you just have to be able to articulate it – or maybe not – maybe it comes through anyway – you don’t want to lecture the reader, and your work is good for avoiding that

Unknown said...

I like this one for the show.