Sunday, December 17, 2006

& this is what it looks like / 4 days be fore solstice / i thot of you in the garden / these are for you

The Earth is actually nearer the sun in January than it is in June -- by three million miles. Pretty much irrelevant to our planet. What causes the seasons is something completely different. The Earth leans slightly on its axis like a spinning top frozen in one off-kilter position. Astronomers have even pinpointed the precise angle of the tilt. It's 23 degrees and 27 minutes off the perpendicular to the plane of orbit. This planetary pose is what causes all the variety of our climate; all the drama and poetry of our seasons, since it determines how many hours and minutes each hemisphere receives precious sunlight.

the back porch

look ing north west / oh blue sky & sun shine

a little kitty foot print for lkd

look ing south east

this flower has / de cided to stay / for the winter

try ing to find colour in the garden for laurel
korean dog wood

bud on the branch of the haw thorn

korean dog wood

beautiful but poisonous / dead lee night shade

oh rose / re mains de fiant / green / bitter thorn

1 comment:

CSOC said...

why are there no pictures of deer dump and dead squids for DQ??