a little skunk foot print
for you & me
for you & me

& when the rain came / the yard changed again
some thing like this / ground be comes apparent
& for you / a flat grey sky
no / no sun light/ for you
some thing like this / ground be comes apparent
& for you / a flat grey sky
no / no sun light/ for you
no / i'm not a xmas light
just a rogue patio lantern
a little cow boy in me
a little cow boy in me

oh echinacia / st.ill not convinced it's winter

oh deer / /

the bright est colour in my yard
the compost heap
the compost heap

rocky raccoon

oh / deer / me

like a fish out of snow
& in to / the rain
& in to / the rain

of flowers & tubas / / oh silly angle

when the snow melts / found art

water drops for you / a foggy lens for me

final lee / the seeds be gin
to / drop
to / drop

you're really starting to use the camera in interesting ways - espc. with the tuba view - little footnotes from the novella of your backyard - details - and miscellaney. I really like these, missing the snow - it was thick one night and the next day the temp went up to 50 degrees and the crystal landscape vanished. some of the snow went into the footprints and the rest went into the sky and it was ragged grey for two days...maybe it will be grey again tomorrow. one can hope.
Love the deer dump picture.
I've been playing a kind of "where's waldo" game with the picture of the compost pile...and I think I spotted a squid in there.
I come here every day to visit these photos.
I've been carrying the image of that skunk's paw print that looks like a tiny human hand inside me since I first laid eyes.
It's like a poem...only better.
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