Sunday, October 22, 2006

rage over a lost mind

i know / i know / a penny for my

oh / if only a penny could cover the
rage / the absolute pay ment of
mind over / well / it doesn't really matter

why jenn cant
write / / her mind / gone
so many words


below the giant scientology sign on
w. hollywood blvd / a man with no
legs polish es the stars / with a tooth brush
& a can of brillo / / down the street
gus / the baristo @ the karma cafe tells me
he's home less / says he looks after the stars
when they can't / some thing like that

on sun set strip / a man crawls on his belly
to ward me / arm up / classic / beggar pose
i think / perhaps / practiced / i walk a round him
give him / the look / that look / get off the ground
stop act ing like a beggar / in 10 more steps / i'm
off the street / in to the rich es /

i walk / fantastical lee long city blocks /
look ing for any thing & no thing / /

in holly wood / men eat out of trash cans / & talk
to ghosts / / / they can't see me / i don't answer
lost in their shadows / talk ing to my self

i hand out cigarettes / & watch aim less
drift past / /



Matthew Rounsville said...

Very image. You wonder why people don't have fissures branching off across their skin, and then you wonder what would go inside, and especially what would come out.

strange stuff, Gin

Plus Ultra said...

Intersting blog and good poetry

CSOC said...

I f'n love this: nice word play on the stars (and the stars) and how they both get taken care by someone they may percieve as meaning//less or something like that.

"below the giant scientology sign on
w. hollywood blvd / a man with no
legs polish es the stars / with a tooth brush
& a can of brillo / / down the street
gus / the baristo @ the karma cafe tells me
he's home less / says he looks after the stars
when they can't / some thing like that"

Sir James Eric Watkins said...

hey jenn. nice write, lost for words, heh?

let's talk sometime.

~ James

luc u! said...

i especially like the first part of this. hey! you disappeared off devil central. what up wit dat yo?