Thursday, February 09, 2006

& we are a live / / if only for this moment /

& so / nite pass es
in to / day / & some where
you rise / thru / the fog of drugs
& find your voice / sort of /

it's difficult to say good bye
it's difficult to see how a live you are / st.ill

& tho you can't speak / laughter gurgles up
de light / of sorts / your face smiles / & you
yes / you / my junkie friend / ah who would have
thot / it would end like this / you with a wet rag
wrapped around your head / face / oh your sweet
face / pinned eyes / you look so stoned / i say

love / i / love / & you say / i love you /

bitter sweet / / child like / you've be come
& i tease you / laugh w / you / be silly / b/c
what else is there to do / & you raise your hand
your arm / search ing for / what / a cigarette you say
& you try & you try / to say / let's go for one more


crzy dying old man / / / & so

morn ing turns to 5 am / & you die
draw in one / last / & ah / we had
some good times / did n't we / yes
it was a love lee time / thank you
very much

& so / this day / yester day lasts for ever
& this day / be comes time less / & i have
not slept the sleep of the dying / & i told you
how lucky you were / you get to have the big sleep
& i wish i could sleep / so tired / this mother of 6
a week of / /

oh yes / i could sleep / if only i could set my mind
to it / this fog of / cold / clear /days / sun finally
comes / bright / some how / it rose / impossible lee
high er / in to the sky / above the mountain / this bit
of after noon / elusive / & we chase it

i go walk ing / stay out of the shadows / & the wind
be comes bitter / north wester lee / pins to the skin

& they say / the infinite / they

say / the planets are align ed

& every thing is hectic / no one

is sleep ing / they say / & i say

oh / the moon is bright to night

& the big dipper / rises high once

more / turns about / / not stand ing

on it's handle / on the mountain top / any more

yes / one important thot / which is complete lee

mean ing less / / /

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hey hot stuff. blowin ya kissies.