Thursday, December 28, 2006

snow to vegas / see you all next year

oh geez / another snow storm
wheres the picnic table / any one?

ah / vegas

Monday, December 18, 2006

down the mountain / up the mountain

in side & out / / for dq / no / no turds to day / the squid are all gone :)

look ing from the kitchen

off the top back deck of my bed room /
oh look / the compost @ the very back of the yard
every mother should have a drum kit in her living room
don't you think

Monday, December 11, 2006

out in my garden / what do i see / /

a little skunk foot print
for you & me

& when the rain came / the yard changed again
some thing like this / ground be comes apparent
& for you / a flat grey sky
no / no sun light/ for you

no / i'm not a xmas light
just a rogue patio lantern
a little cow boy in me

oh echinacia / st.ill not convinced it's winter

oh deer / /

the bright est colour in my yard
the compost heap

rocky raccoon

oh / deer / me

like a fish out of snow
& in to / the rain

of flowers & tubas / / oh silly angle

when the snow melts / found art

water drops for you / a foggy lens for me

final lee / the seeds be gin
to / drop

Thursday, December 07, 2006

time to light / the dark ness

our house / in the middle of our street
actually / @ the end of a road /

oh geez / it's a bit over whelming
what with all the cars & people who
stop to take pictures / /

down around the corner / is candy cane lane
every good town has one / where the houses
compete / for most garrish / / /

any ways / happy december / soon
solstice will be up on us / & we can turn
our faces back to the sun

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

flowers in winter / death i cried

remember me / yellow face to the sun
now / i carry / this burden of wynter snow

lost purple of the japanese sort /
long black pod / oh shake your head /
i can't remember what you look like

my seeds are cold / frozen heart / oh echinacea / head so heavy

celery seeds / wait ing / i'm wait ing to drop / in to the ground with me

i was yellow once / a favourite of the sun / don't for get the joy of your eyes

the view out my kitchen window

just experiment ing with different settings on the camera / i'm a little out of practise as i broke my last camera in september / rather / some one talking w/their hands knocked the damn thing out of my hands / / so i've been camera less / but big g gaves me his camera / its a canon / i'm imagining it's a fair lee pricy camera / it seems to take nice photos / but i still haven't complete lee figured the damn thing out yet / bear w/me while i go on another self - indulgent photo binge / / /

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