Monday, December 12, 2005

& what is there to speak of /

when there is / no thing left to say

i am static / / neither for ward
nor back / a day full of circles

i wish for paisleys / & fractals
why can't i be broken down / like that

to night i read to 7 people / the bar
empty / crowd less distraction

i am / ask ing questions / but /every one
is cold / un re sponsive

a day spent cook ing / i day / dream
thru the steam / about stand ing on
stage /

this morn ing / kitchen soup / /
this after noon / moms giant chili
& 3 dozen cookies / / it's not all ways
like this / / but on this day / it's what
keeps me going / some where be tween
cans of kidney beans / black bean / tomatoes
some where un der my knife / onions & garlic
celery & peppers / / i think of poetry

& why am i like this / / what is this hope
i hope to give / to me / what is this


my blog / be comes / my sell out
i can't hide here any more / in my
quest for popularity / i kill ed my
beautiful hide out / / lol / / i am
crzy / aren't i / / may be i should
get off the cookie / / /

*better be care full man / that shits addictive
stay off the mind / / think ing will make you crzy er

than you were / to start with

& i ask the audience to night / if i'm too old
to be on the pot / i mean / isn't it push ing
just a bit / & damn / i'm too young to be this
old / / & i hate moving with the seasons
i hate this push push push / around the sun

i want it to stop / / to balance out some how
if only the earth could tilt up / just bit / it's all
i'm ask ing / (never mind the colossal weather changes)
it's happen ing with out the tilt / changing @ all

& i'm think ing / / may be it is end times
the / Great Pass ing / / so eloquent lee put
by a poet friend of mine / / & so i be lieve
not in god / but in the passage of time / end less
cycle / which i'm not able / to stop

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