Tuesday, April 24, 2007

when is being at the scene of a crime not a crime / more twisted justice brought to you alberta style / more on nina courtepatte trial

"You don't have to be present for the whole of the crime to be guilty of the crime," Watson said.

EDMONTON - A young woman who left the scene of the crime before other West Edmonton Mall rats beat 13-year-old Nina Courtepatte to death with a sledgehammer is still guilty of first-degree murder, Crown prosecutor John Watson said in his closing argument Monday.

i imagine michael briscoe's lawyer had the same thing to say
about his client who was aquited by justice brian burrows

i'm curious to see how this trial pans out. lets hope this judge has a little more common sense about what constitutes murder . . .

to the courtepatte family: please stay strong / fight for what you believe
fight for what is in your hearts /

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