Friday, July 07, 2006

poems about physical pain / oh the things people search for

the hard ness in my neck persists

i drink coffee / smoke drum / mixed
with tiny nuggets of / weed /
it's easier that way / /

there is a constant twinge be tween my legs
a kind of rest less ness / / yet i'm loathe
to let go /

the sky clears blue after a night of hard rain
the storm / not a constant threat / just a constant

i drink 2 cups of coffee / my belly / churns / this way
& i really should eat some thing / but no thing appeals

wind blows breezy breezy / keeps the garden a live
with move ment / / who could ever know / flowers dance /

& early in the morn ing / i see a skunk stagger
a cross the yard / a limp / a bum rear leg / he's not
phased by it @ all / belly full of compost /
happy to go sleep some where / /

but it's the racoon up the cherry tree that interests me

does it stay there all day / /

things seen early morning

it's the sun cutting the top of the mountains
so yellow / as if to announce / it's that time
of day a gain /

i go back to bed / greet the sun later / much later
hours i sleep in the light /

1 comment:

luc u! said...


what's up?

where you at?

hopw things are well.

love this poem.

email it to me if you wanna.....
