Saturday, November 20, 2004

let me roll it - (heart)

respect is not an option
you either give or you

i wish

these words refuse to fall /
there is only an image of eyes
blue eyes / intense / as

what is this longing?

the distance makes her wonder about

blue white capping water

dark blue / deep / mystery
cold the water is cold

to day she puts on a red hat
she thinks ' my husband hates me
no - he's un happy -

& she looks at her hands
sore hands / pain shifts to the knee
side of the leg / numbness of the heart
mind / it's okay / if one memory / say perhaps
of a kiss or a touch / makes you happy / well then

no - she dies from longing / heart simply stops

all the other pain creeps up / dumbs down dull
does this end

they talk about death
you talk about death
i talk about death

dying is for the brave / the holy
i am not prepared to take that step @ this time

hold on / hold on to that which is greater

so she does

fortitude / build a wall / defend the pain

read these words
read these words

over & you you read my words & remember
that maybe just maybe

i love you after all / mean words / callous come
back /

after all a dream is just that
a dream is just / only / she can't remember the words
seems there was an image / a few lines to a poem

kisses / a million miles of / hold me
tongue darts from the side of the mouth

& yet truth seeps in late night twists & turns
shallow sleep
dark mare / dreams of

white dress moving in the wind / buttons
a row of eyelet / stitch of time / /

this is the white dress of mary
this is the mother , the father
the holy host / virgin ghost

epic story / intensity of lost spirits

when a body dies / it searches for

what what ' what am i searching for
i can't seem to find it / this thing
i've lost / misplaced /

when i misplaced my self / i was fucked

you need to find your self / love your self

no / i hate this body / this is not mine

i give you my self / / placed my heart
a wheel heart is like / mccartney

i can't tell you how i feel
my heart is like a wheel
let me roll it
let me roll it to you

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