Sunday, October 17, 2004

this is dilato

st.uff happens / half-lidded eyes
fail to take in / peripherals

of a pattern / im
bed dead in gestalt
a vein of meta phore
inseper able / sick / sub lime

tension is -gone-
replaced with stupor / typed / transcription

he doesn't read anything / anymore
except news & paid opinions
political junkie / mute consumer
of media events / sometimes jostling back in
to the poetic circle jerk / to make a pin
prick of a point / d~rape~d under piles
of putrid naked philosophy / spoil ing
bur ried gems of jabberwocky &
slick syrup slathered aesthetic tics

hey / i like this idiom fusion

jon kaleidoscopesmith / has yet
to join the paisley guild / he has


resume / portfolio
that will get him a job / one
key to employment / gain ful
employment / texture-etching
labour / upon insertion / into
correct node of the nelson \nexus/

he will be
crafts man of eye can dy
the candyman can


this keyboard is aggravating / some key
i accidentally keep hitting / moves my curser
halfway up the notepad screen / wtf?


this ex periment is / over

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