Monday, October 18, 2004

see the water

see the water
& so the day spins in to
eternal sun set / oh it's pink
the whole yard / every green
is glow ing / air is pink

this is / the nature of sun sets

these are yellow days / sun brights
pure blue / & oh / are those white caps
on the lake / don't be fooled / this is
october / /

her last child was born in october /
the last day of her pregnancy she remembers
a day like / / feel those faint rays
is it any different / / yes / / she is older now
not wiser tho / knowledge / a tricky thing

gold / it was pure gold / & dark blue
lake fills the eyes / white cap ping
wind blows a cross the water / /

wonder ing
can you walk on water / because i believe
i can / see the water / from here

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