Monday, November 21, 2005

reality tunnels / & bull shit /

see / it's not a bout con tent

it's a bout / words that don't look right
it's a bout / words / connect ed in all the
wrong ways / /

now per haps / if i wrote a bout

glass in my ass / / brilliant as it is

i'm sure / i'd find my shining /

excuse me / but / this is my reality tunnel

a hem

cloud lays low / thick /
we are lock ed / in to
/ this valley

& i can't complain /
when my mood / dark / low
kicks in / i don't/ do notice

i'm wait ing for snow
there is no thing else

a pervasive tired ness / i suppose
blurred / thot / circles / i'm think ing
in circles / un til my brain is raw

& i'm letting my head / bleed
for jesus / cause jesus fuck
it's gotta bleed for some one

& my eyes burn / a gain / &
a gain / this day is too much
& i am full of apathy & anger

loath ing /

& the mountains fold in / on me
this nite / dark / static

barren / the garden sleeps now /
the bloom is gone / slow rot of winter
be gins / & i am not invited / wish not
to be wit ness / to that which is dying

but i know it's there / all pervasive
comes in the form of winter / comes in
form of white phosphorous / fall ing
ah / the flames were shoot ing / up
a cross /

& shame full lee / i be moan this cold

see thru / to the other / side / my reality
tunnel / requires a few ghosts / you see
i don't see any thing @ all / / it's a feel ing
@ best /

some thing a bout / mass death / mass fear

& oh / don't for get the sad ness / this is not
my / sad ness / this is not my fear / / so why
do i feel it

earth full of genicide / & fools

sentenced to kill / each other
because / really / who gives a fuck /
violent crime / whats that / there is no
good reason to live / there is no good reason
to die / / & the violence / the fear widens
encompasses / all

but st.ill / my sad ness is no thing
compared to torture with drills
& beat ings / /

no / my sad ness com pares not

& i am safe / this side of mid nite /
no thing falls from the sky / no bombs
not even snow

the wind / bare lee blows / yes safe
under a lay er of clouds / /


1 comment:

Hector the Crow said...

tsk tsk... sounds like you've been reading the news... I like the references in this - there's good stuff in here, stuff to be culled - hope you feel less bleak soon - i'm feeling a bit better today - starting to spring back - i met with doc at reo's today, we drank paddywhack and played xbox upstairs - and talked about the vince volcano xmas gig - i'm thinking about going to a show at the royal on friday - vince will be there, as well as other local entertainers - heh, yeah, i'm almost ready to party again :) - almost