Wednesday, November 23, 2005

it's all ways / a matter of / life & death /

& see / this is the way of baker s

a bit of spelt flour / a hand full of carob

home made granola mix ed / just for good measure

& butter / of the green est type

& i'm wonder ing / where the lone siren rising up thru
the valley / where it's going / & in our town
a siren is almost an occasion / all most a rarity / & geez
it could be some one / you / i know /

so different than the city / where sirens are / be come
a main stay / back drop / to the noise / / & if those
sirens were silenced / the city might cease being
some how if the sirens were silenced / the junkies
might clean up / & the cars would disappear
each pane of glass / in every building / would crash
to the ground as a / final protest

if the sirens stopped / all the lights would stay red
& there would be / no more left turns

& i am think ing back wards a gain /

a bout streets slick with rain / & melt ed
traffic lights/ & how a junkies perspective is
just a little bit different / than / your perspective

& in the bath to day / i think a bout those days
ah / the bad old days / sell ing soul

take it like a girl / my arms ache @ the thot
of / my stomach rolls / & ah / the nod

so much work / for the nod / so much work to stay
a live / to find the urge / / well / one cant
all ways go on this / that way / & no / not me

no more / i can't be that girl / be cause i've
be come / this woman / this person / & junkies
are like half hour old dreams / part lee remember ed
most lee for gotten / hazy @ best

& to day / death is all around / in finite / in it's kind ness

grate full with de lite / / dances / taunts / plays

games with my / head

& so i give in to / it / so hard to watch you die

grow weak / st.ill / the good / ah / fight it / /

but i'm think ing / it's not so bad / to die

some thing's gotta be peace full / / not beat en down

not beat en to death / / you see

no bombs fell / the air / st.ill fresh

& will light / does light / really conquer dark ness

not this time of year / when days be come nite time

choked out / by the pervasive ness of thick cloud

i haven't seen mountain tops in days / i for get

how the sun / feels / a gainst my face

& i am lost in thot / a gain / i am lost

in these days / of too fast ness /

& how the weeks roll / in to / what year

was that

& the air / drops / north wind picks up /
these are cold days / these are layers of clothing
hats & scarves / this is / me / for getting what
my skin looks like /

& i wait for snow / to bright en / fill the spaces

& this branch is bare / & this garden is finish ed

& it's quiet in the house that rock built

clock ticks in to mid nite / & dreams fill

the up stairs bed rooms /


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