Wednesday, August 17, 2005

praise be to the stars / / & crazy nite time

things i miss right now

smoking in my office

school (so every one would go to bed earlier) ho hum

a pervasive flat ness rocks / numbs the brain

yes / summer is here / still / it slips / passive lee
in to autumn / but i can't complain / sun shines /

& the garden is full of life / /

but i wont go there right now / burnt lawn / yellow ed from
the suns reflection off the house windows / patches / & now i am
water ing / hush away those dry spots / & i think / why not

it's the first time this season i've watered the lawn /

& 2 weeks of holidays have put me / the garden drastic lee behind
yes / weeds / grass long white stocks heavy with seed / these things
fill all the voids / creep in to / steal space / take full advantage of the
missing gardener

things to watch for: clover / grass / mint / wild sweet pea / forget me nots

things to pull : all the finished poppies / any thing dead

break the tops from the fox glove / dead head / roses / panseys / dianthus

the raspberries picked / now finished / & i'm miss ing july already

so there is a change of season / again / i must bow down to
the coming of the other side of the sun / / / i hate that side of the sun
it's so far away from here / this spot i'm standing in / right now

& i'm certain / change has come from with in / / & i believe in
this moment /// i really have no idea what i'm talking about

& i'm certain / i can't just turn in on & off / again / i can't
but you know how it goes / / one gets colder all the time

& i'm / / just / this way

afraid of anger / / my own / most lee i'm afraid / a constant
worry / & i 've decided / to stop talk ing / / i'm certain
the words are n't coming out the way // they should be

so blame it on tired ness / blame it on shambahla / blame it on

the drugs / /

& i keep wish ing for a moment of silence / when i'm certain / there are
no more voices / only deep sleep / & i'm sure / final lee alone

& you know / the mind bends backwards @ this point / / difficulty
snap snap snap ping / / & remember travelling west & then east again
& those days / filled with anticipation / aggrevation / holiday / & my nerves

snap snap snap ping / can't bear the stress of / vacation / 6 children &
we are glad to be home again / & i'm search ing for a corner / a place
you can't find me / but that's a lie / always in the garden / /

it's the lack of profundity /& how the bottom of my feet constant lee go
numb & strange / these days my toes too / dead from the slight est pressure
& i suppose it' s the lack of blood / lack of circulation / ah / & you know
i hate / i love / i hate /

quit smoking / all of it /

& i steal 1 am again

/ i believe it's all rite / to reign over nite time

but there is a need to remember day time

1 comment:

CSOC said...

Oh good, you finally posted.