Tuesday, August 30, 2005

nite bit / after the crazies pass / & the moon is gone

& i am echo / again
this day wraught / with aching gut

& thunder storms / lightning morning
/ crack crack crack / & the day pours gray
a cross my tongue / in to my throat
in to the pitch of my belly

gray sits there / / heavy load / /

one wonders if it's grief / perhaps only guilt
what was that time again / & again /

& you see / late lee / i've been smoking
cigarettes for jesus / consorted effort /
some thing like that / makes it hard to breathe

& that is / the biggest cloud / oh so gray / of all

a long term effect of / a long term memory

some thing can't be for gotten / this thot in a manic moment
of course they can

& i for get over & over & over again / / i'm that guy in the movie
the one who can't /

tonite / clear sky / black with stars
moon gone / after nites of light ness
& the sound of rain / rain after the rain
falls / drips /from the eternal / internal
forest of cedar / & pine // temperature
drops / cold / twist in to autumn

& i wish

for a lack of censorship / that one voice
the one who won't let go / tight grip
hold fast to secrets / don't tell the
hearts story / / time distorts . / & i am
fall ing a gain / a gain / i am.
fall ing a gain

so the chest tight ens / pulls in /
presses high in to the mind / a mind
that won't stop / think ing / & i'm
think ing about / you & you & you

all ways / a sea of faces / all ways
a name i can't remember / / time
once removed / /

& i grow weary of children / mother patience
worn / gone away / can this summer be any
longer /

can this summer be any shorter

& i make plans for next year /

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