Tuesday, August 23, 2005

keros / 3 posts for your morning coffee

& see again / i hide in this late nite
chewing chicken bones & wonder ing

just wonder ing / wft am i doing
& my fingers sticky with grease
my mind sticky with grief

all the while / swatting fruit flies attracted
to the thick ness / sweet / smoke of my breath
& the blue of this stupid screen

i am sick of killing flies / i am scared of the snake in my garden
& you see / it's when i stop the worry / calm the thots

that's when / / they come back / / black thots that is

& i am made of crazy /of numb indifference / & i wish to
take a vow of / tho i walk through the valley of risk /
i fear

only my self / / & i wonder / why / i do the things i do
& if only i could whisper out loud / / but it's the snake
that terrifies me / / there is one in every garden /

& the apple was ? /

& i am picking apples for jesus / / a red one for me
always a red one / / / it's the juice i love the best

& see / it's the eternal thirst

what was it i was looking for again / /

& my original sin / this is not / i tell you

this is not
has broken / / breaks / my body is broken


& see / i'm not much good with snakes / i 'm a rabbit you see
i don't know how to go in for the kill / cold eyed / yet

the shaman's precious / oh the eternal circle / & my hands become

so the garden now becomes the place of

nervous anticipation / / a long ing to see / to verify he's actually

there / / for bid / / it becomes a loss of freedom / a calculation
of steps across the lawn / i know

he's watching me

but i have children on my side

there is nothing like the pounding of foot steps

/ & how the heart pounds too

terror / always / always

all things have a centre of fear / / in cluding snakes

& i am safe .

free too.

so why do i feel like a caged animal / why this constant yearn
stomach pulled tight / /

& there aren't even any stars on a nite like this one
high cloud / determined / always / it's just like that

clouds block the sun / stars / & i realize i can
see for ever if i look @ the sky / /

how long must i travel / stars made from for ever

i'm a billion billion / how old are you / & i reply
i'm for ever / /

on a nite like to nite / i trust memory to
guide me through the clouds


CSOC said...

Thank you- what a wonderful thing to do.
I'll try to reciprocate...any requests?

Dez M.E. King said...

Tonight you stooped to my level,
I am your mangy little whore,
now you're trying to find your underwear,
then your socks, and then the door.
And your trying to find a reason
why you have to leave.
But I know its cause you think you're Adam
you think I'm Eve.

You rhapsodize about beauty
my eyes glaze
everything I love is ugly
I mean really, you would be amazed.

Just do me a favor,
it's the least that you can do.
Just don't treat me like I am
something that's happened to you.

You put a tiny pin prick
in my big red balloon,
and as I slowly start to exhale,
that's when you leave the room.

And I did not design this game.
I did not name the stakes,
I just happen to like apples
and am not afraid of snakes.

And I envy you,
your ignorance.
I hear that its bliss.

So I let go the ratio
of things said to things heard,
as I leave you to your garden,
and the beauty you preferred.

And I wonder what of this will have meaning
for you when you've left it all behind.
I think I'll even wonder if you meant it at the time.

*ani difranco - adam and eve