Wednesday, July 06, 2005

& say / go to sleep children

summer is here / & they begin to tick
on my side of the clock / this nite time stuff

& i resent sharing the dark with my children

& to day / to nite / the air finally warm enough
to coat skin / make sleep un comfortable /

mama we're too hot / i can't sleep / i'm burning up

@ 1 am / boys st.ill awake

& i am jittery from an evening coffee / dinner for one
@ the sushi joint on baker st / i sit / face / down / reading
my work / & jesus / help me get through this / for i
walk through the valley of the frightened writer

am i not good enough / / i trundle a long / keep moving
for ward / / spin with the earth / / cycle the sun

& i find more words / place them to paper

my reason for being?

so mosquitos can suck my blood / & so i can feel
the bottoms of my feet go numb /

i slap another one dead / scratch my arm

junkie / no /

& my mind flickers back to slow draw of the junkie's itch
& the rubbing / scratching / an itch that starts in the back of the throat

& i am not missing those days / / it's another one of those dreams
a constant fade of / fact / fiction / i can't remember when /

but i know / it happened / & when i say

i was a suburban junkie house wife pushing my buggy around the neighbour hood
belly full

the look changes / & how can i explain who i once was /

with a bit of laughter / / & how can i expain what i once did

i light another cigarette / the best defense / not that i'd call smoking a sport

oh cloud of blue /

& then i remember / i found my way to sanity

luck / for give ness of soul / fortitude of the worst sort

& st.ill on a late nite like this one

i wonder // crave a // small hit

& i wonder if my stomach would churn
& if i would throw up again / again / again

it was always like that

& i wonder if i would dream /
& if i would loose all fear again / again / again

he flags the needle / i clench my arm tight
squeeze fist

& i can't remember that any more
& i won't remember / what you look like

when you loved me / when i couldn't

but who wants to remember the pain

there are more pressing things / like summer
& how the strawberries ripen / a few each day
quick lee eaten / drawn up / in to hot sticky mouths

& you know / it's huckle berry season again
& the currents turn redder each day /

soon / soon / raspberries

& the children pick mint / chew lemon balm
pluck sprigs of chive / / they are the ones who
find lady bugs / & green spiders / keepers of snails

garden is the first world

& so they say / flower give off good vibes
happy vibrations / but it's their colours

i like

& the way mock orange / say it again / mock orange
sweets the nite air / & i wonder why white flowers
are more bright / right before dawn / why the scent

moves / folds me / in to /

all i can do is sigh /

no words to adequate lee describe
the almost cool ness of pre dawn / & the queer pale
blue just before sun rises / / & the way first rays
cut a cross / dew damp of morning / / & colour intensifies

there is a constant shuffling of bodies / turning in the nite
walls echo above me / / sweat covered / / deep sleep of growing

& i envy the body of youth / & all i loved / lost in my ignorance

it is not an easy travel / / which lesson was this

keep going for ward

& i ponder painting my toe nails / red

& how the big dipper moves to the north mountain
so quick lee / land mark of the sky / & / i will never get
lost in the desert

& out side my window / trees shuss / oh mighty wind
a breeze you say / & i love warm summer wind /
& so you should / you say / it cleanses my skin
sharpens my fine sense of season / you see / you say
it's summer again / time of high sun / & oh those dog days
consellation i can't find / & i saw you once / but of course
i can't remember when / where that was / perhaps it was
just a phone call / some thing like that / /

trees rise again / / again / i am fraught for words /
& the house breaks sound again / again / children tumble tumble
arms / legs askew / blankets tossed to one side / sheets pulled back

lost pillow cases / / oh the nite is warm / finally warm

& oh the nite is late / always late / & i hope

it's a really good sleep when i die / some thing solid
a good long dream / where i don't wake up again /again /again


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