Wednesday, May 04, 2005

it goes some thing like this / always

there are never any words to start with

some times i stare @ the sky & just


watch stars & clouds moving up & down the valley
some times
the clouds cling to the mountains

tonite damp of earth rises up / pungent with spring
sweet / the air smells sweet / / soon lilacs will fill
the valley / ah praise be / may / fairest month of all

work the ground between my fingers / turn the soil
always turning lifting / aeration / let the roots breath

& to day 4 year old robin fills a litre yogourt container
with snails / help me mom / he points up a tree / snails
climb up / out in to the rain / antennae up / out / searching

promise mommy that when you are done playing with your snails
that you let them out in the field & not in mommy's garden

but i want to keep them mom /

flash back to last summer when he filled his pockets with snails
some how he stuffed several down his pants /

in side his trousers it was mayhem / many had not survived
crushed beyond recognition / others simply were sliding up
down his legs / yes / nothing like raising small boys

i like them mom / he also collects spiders / worms & one
large black fly / steamy plant filled jars line the back porch



& so the day end always some thing like this


a sleeping house / heads unconscious of me
strange how people sleep / this rest of nite time
body repairs / rejuvenates / / time moves quick
this side of the clock / /

he sleeps / dressed
on the blankets rumpled in a heap

my side of the clock / his side of nite
twice removed from each other / this is how

nite ends / bottoms of my feet dead from pressure
mind that won't stop thinking

& you know -

think it does / yea it travers / places it shouldn't
those what ifs / memory serves a nasty treat / & the thot
won't stop thinking / takes on a life of it's own

consumes any other purpose of the day to day

& some time i for get / for give /

yes for give me / for i have for got

which is to say / it's all a lot of filler

for the real words / which are completely lost now

& i remember you holding my face in your hands
pressing your mouth to mine

you know / it's a matter of safety & who does what to who

boundries with out borders / & my eyes fail to see any thing
past the clouds / & the bone of your back faces me & i am quieted
by the presence of learn by heart /

((it's one of those things soul for gets to tell ))

& the quick of hip / thin fingered / open mouth
tells me you still love me / even tho we can't figure it out

let nite steal me away / burnt / for given

did you bleed for me /

always / / there is always blood


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