Monday, February 07, 2005

mind mined

a few words get me through

this is a day under a blanket
on the couch in my office



one again / body is covered in a slick
of thick germed sickness / / chest heavy &
full / the ache of organs / hands lose feeling

numb again / deadness of foot / finger

bound to the inside of the house /
non activity / try to keep track of
children coming & going /
can't remember a god damn thing

& i wish there was something i could
grasp on to / a light / a sign

some kind of relief / of soul
where to find happy / a comfort of being

when is it time to believe


can't quite put my finger on it
some thing about the after life
some thing about jesus & mary

some thing about a cross
road / a journey to light
a shift between dark ness
& some where between the point
of the last black moment of night
& the pale day of dawn

decided lee / i'm lost in that place
where my finger won't land / where
notions of romance & pure lust fall
on to the carpet / lost with the dust
& crumbs & the pounding of children's feet

i wonder / is there any place they haven't touched
is there any place he didn't touch / when i layed
my skin in the hot summer sun

lost in the poet's mind / i muse death to death
hold on to what's been taken / fold over one last time

& i wish to lay this body down /

i dream your arms wrapped tight lee around my maiden form
your face lost in my hair / mouth full & wet / curious

i dream the days warmer / & some where the sky carries
blue & cloud over / jilted nerves / a softening

upstairs / over head / these children sleep restless
sick / the cough / / fills / weighs down a heavy chest

bodies slick with sweat / drip
a cough that makes the heart stop
gurgle / & weakness / ah / ode to the mighty germ

so persistant / deep in to the body / burrows
body vibrates / fights to breathe

touch felt the bottom of my hand
through a bottle / rushed down
this is mind / mined /

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