Sunday, February 05, 2006

more on room 315 / / hate is such a strong word

emotional / to get thrown from the hospital
b/c of giving pot to a chronic cancer patient who
will be dead / soon /soon

dr. says / yes / good to smoke pot
cigarettes / sure / unofficially tho
he winks / the nurses wink / just make
sure the windows are open

& then pyscho bitch / g/friend shows up
& @ another attempt of cuntrol / & martyr dumb

has moi ejected from the room / POT HEAD
she screams @ me / / LIAR / LOOKING FOR A

uh / yeah sure sharon / what ever you say

the only place in town i can smoke weed
is in the hospital / / / ok what ever you say

crazy bitch

& in the other room / he is / dy ing /

so happy to smoke a joint /
so happy to have a visit
so happy to have poetry read aloud

un til

the cuntrol freak shows up

nurses take me out / stand in a
semi circle around me / arms cross ed
ah holy cross

you broke the rules / no smoking
this is a hospital / people have chronic
lung diseases / it's illegal / you are bad
consider your selve warn ed / personae non gratis
we'll be watch ing / /

how terrible of you to come in here & disturb
the family & the patient like that

i leave / / /

scary thing is / she set me up
the day before she opened the window
got an ash try / just make sure the door is
closed / he's allowed to smoke in here
just keep it hush

yeah / until she runs down the hall screaming
for a nurse

warn ing warn ing / beep beep beep / drug addict
in room three fifteen / /

she's making the patient smoke again sir

i hate her

always dressed in widow's black
always crying on the end of his bed
always has a entourage of praying christians by her side

late lee / a photographer follows them / every where

as she flips her head / constant lee on /
ah / busy day of the martyr

it would be
easier / not
to go / to
the hospital

less pain full / in so many ways

the problem is

i gave
him my

said /
i'd be there
for him

she's so afraid / some one else might
be in the room when he passes / she
might / miss her glory moment

yes / make the man quit smoke ing pot
on his death bed / there will be no more
poet for you

& the last visit / ends in pain



Hector the Crow said...

I'm glad you're writing about it. I know you have to write, but it's still admirable, as your actions have been. Fuck it, fight the good fight, poets and pot smokers unite.

Lorna Dee Cervantes said...

Stand strong, Jenni. I'm so sorry. You're right to be there and be.

luv u

luc u! said...
