Thursday, February 09, 2006

very bad things / /some nite i will sleep /

there is nothing to write

death / the prospect of

consumes / oh i'm so tired now

i wonder / what it's like to sleep

the sleep of the / dead

in stead i watch / chest rise & fall
a mouth that no long er speaks

messages garbled / can you hear me
loud & not so clear / lost in

a morphine buzz / / ah sweet death
welcome me / take me / from this
dry est mouth / mouth so so so

& i'm think ing / / i don't like

i wish / /

i'm think ing / /

nothing fits / no thing describes

i'm wait ing to / i'm sure the tears will come

it's time for a cleansing / /

it's time / for sleep / my own

intangible thing / that 'it' is

now i lay / me down to sleep

keep those fucking christians a way from me

& so we wait / / hope / send thots / he pass es in
the night / early mourn ing perhaps / tomorrow it
will be over / /
i tell teena that if he dies in the night / not to call me
until morning / let me sleep i say / let me sleep

ah / what does morning bring / what does another loop
another turn about the globe bring on a tuesday morn

& i hold my own little chain smok ing vigil

pot head that i am / / ah the humiliation

@ some point / i have to let the grief wash me

i have to

grief / come cleanse me / what is this lesson

& my eyes remain dry / so dry / like his mouth

& he's sad to be leaving / / /

have a safe trip i tell / travel safe

be care full / / what else / there are no
other words of comfort / / / only letting go
so hard / / let go i say / let go

will i die like that / mouth hang in agape /
gasp ing for air / / groan ing / / so fucking high
on morphine / all sense leaves / desire be comes
implausible / / ah the death grip / how long must
it grab & hold /squeeze the life out of him

hurry now / don't take so long /
& death just laughs / / patience my dear


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