Saturday, November 13, 2004

this late month

@ nite it rains leaves
constant crackle of
some thing break break / trees dead broken leaves

drop to the ground / in silent resignation
back to organtia / house of rot

earth waits / cold / always cold
like me

funny how things slip away / thoughts
memories dull / old pain

& i remember
folding in to you / taste of your sweat
sweet salt on my tongue

some thing about the smell of you

you know it was the first autumn i didn't die from the dark ness

some thing about your crazee mind

it's cold on this side of the sun

hands freeze / slow death to the hand


life normalizes / becomes what it was before
count count counting
time / so sure i've been here before
@ this late month /

winter is a lonely place

& the eyes begin to draw / chest tight
stabbed / too much tension /

& i wonder / was it wrong to love you
obsessed / died from it

& i think / of the field of crosses
thick green grass / pressed against your chest
my back / voice in my ear

but it passes / gone from this mind / a final
grasp at spring summer / oh it moves so fast &
where did it go / / that feeling \ \ never to be
contained again /

i wish ed a million other dreamsfor you
/ they fell in broken fragments
meant nothing /

thick drops of blood fall
fills the toilet bowl with carmine circles

soul journey in a woman's body

what is this blood that falls from me

all words look awkward

death becomes ulimate pain release
body's train wreak i give you my hands

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