Sunday, October 22, 2006

rage over a lost mind

i know / i know / a penny for my

oh / if only a penny could cover the
rage / the absolute pay ment of
mind over / well / it doesn't really matter

why jenn cant
write / / her mind / gone
so many words


below the giant scientology sign on
w. hollywood blvd / a man with no
legs polish es the stars / with a tooth brush
& a can of brillo / / down the street
gus / the baristo @ the karma cafe tells me
he's home less / says he looks after the stars
when they can't / some thing like that

on sun set strip / a man crawls on his belly
to ward me / arm up / classic / beggar pose
i think / perhaps / practiced / i walk a round him
give him / the look / that look / get off the ground
stop act ing like a beggar / in 10 more steps / i'm
off the street / in to the rich es /

i walk / fantastical lee long city blocks /
look ing for any thing & no thing / /

in holly wood / men eat out of trash cans / & talk
to ghosts / / / they can't see me / i don't answer
lost in their shadows / talk ing to my self

i hand out cigarettes / & watch aim less
drift past / /


Friday, October 13, 2006

the weight of my / day

& i open & close this box
one million times

i'd rather smoke & feel the pain
of rib twist ing / i take 600 mg of ibuprofen
& hope for sleep / not too much heavy ness

& i'm fear ing / it might just be true
we really are / just in side our heads

heart play ing the function of / beat beat
let me keep you / a live / what a line
oh heart of my heart / /

& i fall in to / the dread ed script a gain
i love it there / a play of words / a play
on words / what could be / more wicked

except for / i lost the long ing a gain
it curl ed up / died / so to speak

i wait ed for music to land on my words
but / they didn't / i tried / patience
wait ing / oh / yes / i've been wait ing

but / all is / silent / this black sky
winter come ing nite / / oh / but the
stars are clear / twinkle twinkle

& in the other room / my bed
a child sleeps / heavy small body

can't lift / my baby any more / these
arms have lift ed / lift ed / oh what is
this weight up on / my shoulders / my back